Ekol are Officially Recognised By DEFRA


The appliances have been approved under section 21 of The Clean Air Act 1993 for use within UK Smoke Control Areas

Officially recognised by DEFRA - the UK Government Department responsible for the Environment.

Since the 1950s, many towns and cities in the UK have been designated as Smoke Control Areas/ Smokeless Zones, effectively making it an offence to burn wood or any smoke-emmitting fuel on a fireplace/ stove at home.


Ekol Stoves have developed a technology whereby wood can now be burned so efficiently and cleanly that it can legally over-ride this legislation - Once again people in these areas are able to burn wood legally, using an Ekol Stove. Ekol stoves are officially a 'DEFRA Exempted Appliance'.

Most of the UKs population lives within Smokeless Zones so will require a DEFRA approved stove to legally burn wood.

Our Cleanburn Technology is not just for those in Smoke Control areas though - any one can benefit from Ekol Stoves, and here are just a few of the advantages.......

Firstly you will notice the glass on your stove is incredibly clean even compared to other modern stoves with airwash systems - this is simply because there is no longer the same amount of smoke and tar present. Also, the pre-heated Tertiary air System ensures the gases in the stove are not allowed to solidify.

Secondly, the "Dancing Flame" effect created by the Hot Air Injection System will have you mesmerised watching the fire burn.

Less Maintenance - Because the level of combustion is radically increased, much less ash is produced so the whole stove requires less cleaning. Also, the huge reduction of smoke and solid particles from the chimney mean less chimney sweeping.

Ease of use - Woodburning with Ekol Cleanburn Technology has never been easier. With three sets of Air Supply Vents giving you maximum control, the firebox Airsupply is quickly brought up to temperature allowing the stove to rapidly get to its most efficient operating temperature making it easy to get going and to maintain and refuel the fire.